Healing Cave Lady Academy

Welcome to my healing academy! I created these courses to help everyone master healing modalities.  This is the place where you can come back over and over so you keep your health on track. 

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Enema 101

How To Preform 3 types on enemas

Coffee (therapy for liver)- Support the liver and kidneys, help clear bile ducts and create fresh clean bile that will support digestion and clear toxicity that would go into the blood stream.

Hydration- Hydrating enemas help nourish the colon and get the hydrating minerals right into to blood stream and are perfect for people who are chronically dehydrated or prone to constipation and headaches.

Probiotic- Probiotics help restore the bacteria and digestive function, they help create enzymes to break down undigested food in the colon and help prevent Cancer.

How to Clean your Glass Enema bucket 2 ways

Full Body Detox 101/ With Para Cleanse

Cleanse Course (how to cleanse and open detox pathways) There is NO PRODUCT included with the cost of this Course.

Detoxing is an enigma.  We know we all want the toxins out, but we often don't know how to achieve it.

So many people find when they try to move toxins out, that they suffer from a host of new issues.  Why? Because there is a plug in the system.  We all need to locate the blockages and have the tools and ideas to facilitate clearing out the mess.

That is what this course is all about.  Unclog the system and get things flowing.

Then we can attack things like parasites and heavy metals.

Parasite cleansing can be complicated.  The Para kit (plus bowel mover) is my favorite way to cleanse out unwanted critters.


Parasite cleansing is miss-understood. People think they can take some pills over a weekend and call it a day.  That is not the case.  These critters are loaded with heavy metals and toxins and before attempting a cleanse you need to know some basics and work on opening up some pathways before popping pills.

You also need to test the supplements spaced out over the course of a few days to make sure your body can handle them . This course will walk through tricks and tips so you feel good about your cleanse.

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